Hi!  I'm jenn, certified health and wellness coacH.

Learn how we can work together so you can feel less stress and overwhelm.








*This post is part of a series that explores the six key areas that influence our emotional wellbeing as defined by Dr. Sarah Adler of Wave.  Clarity is one of these areas.

What is Clarity?

Clarity is about knowing and understanding your values. Values are “the beliefs that are most important to you, that help you find your way in the dark, and that fill you with a sense of purpose”.1  

When you are “high on the clarity scale” you know what’s important to you in life and can tap into that when it comes to making choices.  You’re someone with conviction and you move through life doing things that matter to you.  Alternatively, folks on the lower end of the clarity scale have a harder time making decisions.  They often feel like something in life is lacking and can get frustrated with how they spend their time.  

The more clarity you have, the better you feel. You have a guide for making decisions and can choose behaviors and experiences that align with your values.

Ok, great!  Where do I start?

Step one  is knowing and being able to identify your core values.  

Step two is determining the behaviors and/or experiences that are aligned with those values.

Step three is implementing those behaviors and/or having those experiences.  

Coaches can support clients throughout this process in a variety of ways, such as providing values identification exercises, brainstorming options of values aligned behaviors and experiences, and working with clients on figuring out when, where, and how to carry out those actions.

How does this help with parenting?

When you feel better you show up better.  You are more apt and able to respond to challenging situations with clarity and intention, which almost always leads to more successful outcomes.  

For example, at a recent group coaching event I completed a values based exercise where I identified one of my current values as connection.  I explored why this value was important to me (I find in enjoyment in talking with people), explored how having more connection in my life might make me feel (sense of belonging, community) and then wrote down a few ideas on the actions I could do that would support this value (reach out to a friend for a coffee date, take my dog to the neighborhood park).   

Since that event I’ve been making it a point to schedule more “connection” based activities into my week.  These activities make me happy and help balance my mood. So last week when I got a call from my son’s school that he had thrown his Chromebook in the toilet (insert exasperated emoji here!) I was able to address the situation much more calmly and effectively had I not been so regulated.

How might your life be richer with a greater awareness of your values and incorporating them more into your day to day life?

1 https://brenebrown.com/resources/living-into-our-values/

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